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Bach Flower Remedies

Dr Bach (physician & homeopath) discovered 38 remedies, each for a specific emotional state, plus a combination of five of the remedies designed for difficult and demanding situations. 37 of 38 are based on single wild flowers and blossoms. “Health is our Heritage, our right. It is the complete and full union between soul, mind and this is not a difficult far-away idea to attain, but one so easy and natural that many of us have overlooked it.” Dr Edward Bach 

How do they work?


  • These flower remedies, like other forms of natural medicine, take effect by treating the individual, not the disease or the symptoms of the disease. They work specifically on the emotional condition of the person concerned.

  • The effect of taking the remedies is not to suppress negative attitudes but to transform them into positive ones, stimulating one’s own potential for self-healing and freeing the physical system to engage fully in fighting disease and stress.


  • They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as stress, fear, worry, anxiety, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The remedies allow peace and happiness to return to you so that the body is free to heal itself.

  • The remedies are tremendous support for children especially with anxiety or any other emotional needs.

  • They are an excellent support and can be used with any other medications. Even pregnant moms can use them.

The flower remedies restore peace, hope, joy, faith, certainty, wisdom and love back into your life.

 I select the right combination mix of the 38 flower remedies to match what your specific needs are and bring back balance and wellness back into your life. I make up your own personalized bottle (bottle consists of distilled water and flower remedies to ingest).

Our Remedies

Contact Tonya G
083 378 5818